Bug Doctor Media can unravel these complexities and help you develop your advertising campaigns, create advertising material and measure performance. Indeed if you need the extra help, we can also develop an overall advertising and marketing strategy to support your business.
Google Advertising
Google adverting can be very effective but many businesses struggle to deliver a good return on investment on Google ads, as they don’t have the experience to develop effective advertising campaigns that deliver strong leads at a low cost per click. It’s better for the business to focus on what they’re good at (delivering excellence in pest control) and let Bug Doctor Media help with the advertising.
Advertising is not just about Google and it’s not just about online marketing…
Here are just some of the advertising media Bug Doctor Media can utilise:
- Google advertising
- Facebook advertising
- Re-marketing
- Newsletters
- Email marketing
- Leaflets
- Newsletters
- Radio
- TV
Measuring success...
A key component of any activity is measuring performance, so you can assess the success of any campaign and the return on investment (ROI). Bug Doctor Media will carry out the performance analysis of any online campaign, but to get the complete picture and calculate the ROI, it’s important to know exactly how many leads the advertising generates and how many leads turn into actual customers. Lead data can be measured with call tracking software and customers can record how many calls become customers, allowing the conversion rate and ROI to be calculated. If you don’t feel confident in doing this yourself or don’t have available resource, Bug Doctor Media is happy to help gather the data for you and complete the analysis – effectively working as your own marketing department!
Bug Doctor Media can provide better advice if you have information on the performance of your previous advertising activities. If you’re not sure what advertising is working best for you at the moment, Bug Doctor Media can carry out a complete review of previous and current advertising activities, to see what is delivering the best bang for your buck.
- 1300 873389