Who are Bug Doctor Media?

Bug Doctor Media is a unique marketing services company, providing specialised support to the pest control industry. We truly are pest control and marketing experts, with both extensive pest control and marketing experience.

Bug Doctor Media is run by Dr. Phil Ridley, who has held a variety of senior business and marketing roles in the pest control industry and in a previous life he also held a number of R&D positions. This blend of marketing and R&D skills, coupled with extensive industry knowledge and customer understanding, allows Bug Doctor Media to generate insightful marketing material.

The flexible team of specialists...

With many facets of digital marketing changing so quickly, it is difficult to have staff who are experts in everything. As such Bug Doctor Media believes the best way to deliver superior results is to contract experts for each project depending on the requirements of the project. Although project planning, management, copy creation, SEO services and some creative elements are carried out in-house, for more complex projects Bug Doctor Media utilises a network of freelancers (cameramen, editors, graphic designers and printers). By contracting the best resources on a contract basis, it allows Bug Doctor Media to utilise the appropriate specialised resource for each project to deliver superior marketing material…… and it keeps the costs down!

Professional Pest Manager magazine

Bug Doctor Media also own and run the leading pest control industry magazine, Professional Pest Manager. This complementary business highlights the specialist knowledge of Bug Doctor Media and ensures we deliver insightful pest control content and the latest industry knowledge to our clients.


Call to discuss how we can help with your marketing and  generate more leads for your business